Stone 02.02.2020 Epic Palindrome Ale
Event Overview

We’re debuting this new Southern California exclusive beer. Be the first to get access to this new creation before everyone else gets a taste.

Stone 02.02.2020 Epic Palindrome Ale

No lemons, no melon. Though there is a good amount of orange peel and tangerine in this one, but we’ll get to that in a moment. First we will refer you back to February 2, 2002 (otherwise known as 02.02.02) when we released the first of our now deified decadespanning Stone Vertical Epic Ale series. The next was released on 03.03.03, then 04.04.04 all the way up until 12.12.12. As we realized that the 18th anniversary of that first release is the magnificently palindromic date of 02.02.2020, we knew a suitably epic tribute as a reviver was necessary. Call it our civic duty. We had to step it up a level. Miss it? No sir, no madam. This, like the groundbreaking original series, is a half Belgian-inspired half Stone-inspired ale. Too hot to hoot? Not in our minds. This calendar occurrence doesn’t come around often...not for another one thousand and ten years, one month and one day (wow) you should be celebrating it. With a beer. Like we are. Regard a mere mad rager? Count on it

ABV: 9.2%

IBUS: 80

Special Ingredients: Sweet Orange Peel & Tangerine

Available in 22oz bottles only