green house lettuce

NOTE: You must place your order at the Stone Company Store-Escondido at least one week in advance of your first pick-up date. As loyal blog readers, you are undoubtedly aware of Stone Farms, our 18-acres of beautiful farmland and oak-covered hills located just 8 miles north of our brewery in Escondido. While only about 4.5 acres of the property are actually farmable, this marvelous plot of land has thus far yielded a gorgeous array of vegetables for the Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens and the Stone Farms stand, which is set up right in front of the brewery every Friday from 2:30-6pm. The biodynamically managed farm has been producing a bounty of heirloom vegetables, whose remarkably vivid flavors and bright colors have been exceedingly popular with farm stand regulars.

beautiful garden vegetables

An example of a Stone Farms C.S.A. box


Now we’re taking it up a notch and allowing folks to buy into a Community Supported Agriculture (C.S.A. AKA “veggie box”) program. Here’s how it works:

  1. Every Thursday, the Stone Farms crew harvests veggies to be sold the next day. From the earth to your plate in under 24 hours!
  2. The crew puts together boxes featuring a variety of these amazing veggies, generally 8-12 different items per box along with a loaf of fresh baked bread from our kitchen...about enough for 2 hungry people for a week.
  3. You, the organic vegetable loving craft beer drinker, come to our farm stand on Fridays from 2:30-6pm and pick up your box every week for 10 weeks. The boxes cost $25 each.
  4. While you’re here, you might decide to get your growler filled with something spectacular, like Stone Ruination IPA Dry Hopped with Citra & Centennial Hops, for example. A calendar of our special Friday growler fills can be found here. These typically cost between $7-$14 depending on the size of the growler.
  5. You return home stocked with some of the freshest veggies & beer imaginable. You rejoice, hard.
  6. Wash, rinse, repeat.

How do you get to take advantage of this staggeringly amazing opportunity, you ask? By buying your C.S.A. share at the Stone Company Store—Escondido. It’s that simple. Available while supplies last.



Any chance you can make this offer available at your South Park location? I'd love to be able to pick up some veggies along with my growler without having to drive all the way up to Esco!

Can you give an example of the veggies grown? I know each week will be different, but an idea of what we will receive would be very helpful. Thank you!

I second Jsnod's request!

Does the $25 include a growler fill or were you just saying "while you're at the brewery picking up your CSA, you can also just bring your growler in and pay to have it refilled"?

The $25 does not include the growler fill; I'll clarify that in the post. However, the C.S.A. pick-up is on Friday, which is also when we do our special growler fills, like the beer mentioned, making it an excellent opportunity to get the veggie box and a growler full of rare beer.

In reply to by Tyler (not verified)

$25 is very, very reasonable for fresh like this. If you can bring some down to South Park, I would take advantage, it sounds great!

Any love for the folks in South Park or (the soon-to-be) Liberty Station areas?

It was just pick-up before wasn't it? Has that changed? No more pick up? Or can u still just show up and maybe get some stuff?

South Park store for sure! Esco is a bit far to drive to pick up the veggies!

Count me in!

What's the cost to signup? Do you get your veggies the first week? (Like if I came in today?)

Ignore the 2nd part of my comment. I can't read or something. What's the signup cost? ;)

Am I required to order the 10 weeks up of $250 to get started? Or can I order on a weekly basis?

I would, undoubtedly, take advantage of that opportunity if it was offered at the SP location. Escondido would make it difficult to reach weekly and the cost of gas back and forth plus the $25 would add up to almost not making it worth it for the overall cost. Really neat opportunity for those close to Escondido.

Make the CSA available for pick up at your South Park locaation - I would do it for sure, and clearly from the posts above you'd get a lot more takers!

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