This is part of our series of posts looking back
at our 20 years of true craft.
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When I started working at Stone nearly 15 years ago, something was clearly evident. It was something that was not so much written or spoken as it was felt, and it was palpable. It had to do with the ethos of what Greg and Steve had started and the role they had established for Stone Brewing within north San Diego County and the San Marcos area. Since that time, I’ve told hundreds, if not thousands, of people that in order to be a successful business, you can’t just reside in your community—you have to be part of your community. If you’re a small business, do something small. If you’re a big business, do something big. But do something.

So, at Stone Brewing, we’re not just an address—we’re part of the fabric that makes up our community, that brings people together, and we’re honored to have that become something we’re very well-known for doing. Not just in San Diego County and not just in the beer industry, Stone has become synonymous with philanthropy and giving back…and that’s freakin’ cool…and it’s even cooler when you see that grow year after year and see the tangible results!
Another thing that's been clear since day one is we’ve always loved a good time. And we’ve also always loved raising money for charity, another truth. The best of those worlds comes together annually when we host the Stone Anniversary Celebration & Invitational Beer Festival—a celebration of our craft, our friends and our philanthropy. Over the years the event has grown to become one of the premier craft beer festivals in the country, and more impressively one of the largest charity beer events known to humankind. With the help of our fervent fans, we’ve raised more than $2 million for local charities from this amazing event!

On August 19 and 20, we’ll keep the tradition going, so don’t miss out…buy your tickets soon and help raise some serious money for some very worthy organizations!
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