Mike Palmer As the title of this post indicates, I'm not taking the point of view that we came up with something entirely new or that we're by any stretch of the imagination ahead of the curve on this one. You guys have been hounding me for well over 12 months to put upcoming events and growler fills on Google so you could subscribe via your web calendars, calendar applications and wireless devices. Instead of the marvel of global syncing updating your calendars, you had to visit a static web page to find out what was going on. Well, it's not that I didn't see the importance of this, it was just hard to keep up with everything we were doing day to day without updating another system outside our website. So hey, it should have been done a long time ago - but nonetheless, it's here! You can now find calendars for our Growler Fills, Bistro Beer Lineup, Stone Special Release Dates and Special Events. You can subscribe to them all or pick and choose right here... http://www.stonebrew.com/googlecalendar/ You can thank Matt Steele for plugging away to fill up those calendar dates and our Graphic Artist, Jen Knudson, for embedding it into our site (you'll find it on our calendar event page and growler fill page to start). You'll also find these events entered into Facebook, posted on Twitter and showing up on Flickr once they pass. If you find us behind the curve on other things, please let me know!



Awesome. I'm adding this to my google calendar right now.

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